Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct






In this Code of Conduct, and unless the context shall clearly indicate the contrary intention, the following words shall have the following meanings ascribed to them:




Shall mean the Wittedrift High hostel grounds and school and any reference to the School grounds shall include a reference to the School’s sporting grounds or any other grounds regularly utilised by the school;




Shall mean a learner of Wittedrift High School irrespective of whether such learner is on probation, suspension or is an exchange scholar or temporary learner of the school, and shall include a “learner” as defined in The South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996;




Shall mean the Headmaster for the time being of the Wittedrift High School and shall include any other educator, employee, assistant, council of learner representative or learner of the School to whom the Headmaster has specifically delegated certain of his powers, whether on a permanent, semi-permanent or specific basis, and shall include all “educators” as defined in the South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996;



“Governing Body”

Shall mean the duly elected Governing Body of the school as it will be from time to time, which includes educator and learner representatives and any seconded members of such Governing Body;




Shall mean an educator of the School and shall include any person assisting as an educator at the School on a temporary basis, a student educator or an “educator” as defined in The South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996;




Shall mean members of school; Educators, Grade Heads, Deputy Principal and Principal attending disciplinary hearings;




Shall mean a hearing attended by the Disciplinary Committee and/or SGB and/or Hearing”, educator concerned and/or learner and/or parents and/or guardians and/or a representative and witnesses on a selected date;



“Dependence Forming

Shall mean a drug which is dependence forming or has a narcotic effect as forming defined in Act 41 of 1971 (as amended) and words like “possess” and “deal in” in drug” regard to such substances shall have the meanings ascribed to such words in the said Act.



“Public Place”

Shall mean any place to which the general public would normally have access to at their will.




Shall mean Western Cape Education Department




Shall mean any instrument or object which can be used to injure another person.



In this Code of Conduct, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary intention, words importing the singular shall include the plural and words importing the masculine shall include the feminine and vice versa.



This Code of Conduct will be made available in Afrikaans by the Governing Body and should any ambiguity or difference of interpretation arise between the English and Afrikaans texts, the interpretation of the English text shall prevail






The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to lay down general and specific rules for the manner in which learners of the school are expected to behave and which rules will be enforced by the Headmaster to ensure the disciplined and orderly running of the school on a day to day basis and to provide a safe and orderly school environment, conductive to furthering education and learning. This Code of Conduct is not designed as a total codification of all the rules that will, or may, be applied and is intended to assist all parties as to the type and extent of conduct expected from them and which will be enforced, at no stage purporting to be an exhaustive and all-embracing list of rules that can be applied or enforced by the Headmaster and/or the Governing Body.



The Governing Body reserves the right in due course, and should it be deemed necessary, to add to or to amend this Code of Conduct.



The school will not tolerate the misbehaviour of any learner involving the elements of disrespect for authority, assaults, racial slurs, substance usage, sexual harassment, public lewdness, use or possession of weapons, or replicas of weapons, or the use/possession/giving/delivering/selling/ dealing of dependence producing drugs on school property or at any time or at school activities.



In general, discipline will be designed to correct misconduct and to encourage all learners to adhere to their responsibilities as citizens of the school community. Disciplinary action will draw on professional judgement of educators and administrators and on a range of discipline management techniques. Due to the factors listed below, disciplinary consequences for a particular offence (unless otherwise specified by law) may bring into consideration varying techniques and responses. When administering discipline, learners will be treated fairly and equitably. Discipline will be based on a careful assessment and consideration of the circumstances of each case, with the administrator reviewing factors such as:

2.4.1     the seriousness of the offence

2.4.2     learners age

2.4.3     the frequency of misconduct

2.4.4     the learners attitude

2.4.5     actions through self defence

2.4.6     the seriousness of the offence



Repeated violations of the same prohibited conduct will increase the category of disciplinary consequences for the learners. The disciplinary misdemeanours listed at each category may be used alone, or in combination, for prohibited conduct that violates the Code of Conduct as contained in the School Rules. Unless otherwise required by law, disciplinary consequences for category 8 and 9 offences may include the options listed in the lower level offences, at the discretion of the person (committee) making the judgement.



Intervention strategies by the Schools Based Support Team (SBST) will be given in order to investigate and address serious misconducts.  Such a learner may be referred to an Intervention Facility for a period not exceeding 12 months by the SBST as prescribed in Section 45 of the Act.  If learner and parents of such learner refuse to refer such a learner to an Intervention Facility and the serious misconduct continues, the Disciplinary Committee will continue with the schools disciplinary process as prescribed in section 9(3) of the South African Schools Act, 1996 pertaining to regulations relating to disciplinary, suspension and expulsion of learners at Public Schools in the Western Cape,




The code of conduct consists of a number of directives, aimed at contributing to the learner’s holistic development into a responsible adult.

The code will be applied in these areas:

·       Academic field (areas of learning)

·       Behaviour

·       School Dress Code & General Appearance






The following are the general rules intended in this Code of Conduct:



No learner shall do anything which, in the opinion of the Headmaster and the Governing Body, is likely to bring the School into disrepute.



No learner shall physically, verbally or psychologically assault any other person or commit any act, or be in possession of any article, or conduct himself in such a manner that will, in the opinion of the Headmaster or Governing Body, endanger or be likely to endanger the maintenance of a proper standard of moral conduct and/or social well-being of any person or property in the School.



No learner shall engage in conduct that constitutes sexual harassment or sexual abuse, whether that conduct is by word, gesture or any other sexual conduct, including but not limited to sexual favours directed towards another learner or educator. Furthermore the possession of pornographic materials, printed or electronic, or processing or publishing of electronic materials, or using e-mail or websites to further pornographic material or pornographic studies, or publishing any lewd or suggestive remarks about any learner or educator on the Internet, be it on Social Media but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat or WhatsApp.



A learner shall obey all reasonable orders and/or instructions given to him/her in the furtherance of all aspects of the day to day running of the School by the Headmaster, any other educator or employee of the School, or any council of learner representative or other learner of the School to whom such authority has been delegated.



A learner shall participate in any educational programme which may be prescribed by the Headmaster or the Education Department, unless special exemption has been granted in writing by the Headmaster or the Education Department after a written request to that effect from such learner’s parent / legal guardian.



Learners shall be punctual and attend School for the entire duration of the prescribed school hours throughout the academic year. In the case of absence or late arrival, a learner shall, on the next and first opportunity at School, furnish the Headmaster with written reasons for his/her absence or late arrival, which shall be signed by the learner’s parent/legal guardian. Permission for absence for any other reason than illness or late arrival must be obtained from the Headmaster in advance



A learner may not make any medical, dental or other appointments of whatever nature during normal school hours, nor may he absent himself from a class, or leave the School premises during school hours (including break times), without the permission of the Headmaster or of such educator or other person to whom the responsibility for such learner has been delegated.



A learner may not leave the school grounds without written permission / confirmation from the Principal/Deputy Principal, with a proper written or telephonic request from the learner’s parents.



A learner shall not be insolent, impertinent or discourteous to any member of the School’s staff or a prefect or nor shall a learner incite or encourage any other learner to conduct himself in such a manner.



Prefect members will be responsible to support and help the teachers implementing the Code of Conduct and in return will be supported by the teachers and Disciplinary Committee while performing their duties.



A learner shall not swear or use foul or blasphemous language, either on the School premises or in a public place.



Learners shall at all times, or as directed by the Headmaster, wear only the official School uniform to school or to any of the School’s social, cultural or sporting functions.



The personal appearance and dress of a learner shall, at all times when travelling to or from any place as a learner of the School, and whether or not the learner is wearing the School uniform, conform to such standards of decency and propriety as are considered by the Headmaster, to be adequate and suitable.



School property, or any property at the School which is the property of any other person or instance other than the learner in question, shall not be taken or negligently or wilfully damaged, vandalised, defaced or soiled by a learner in any manner. This includes graffiti on walls, doors and desks. Any learner who has vandalised school, hostel, learner, worker or educator property, will be responsible for reparation costs of damages incurred through his/her actions. A learner shall also not borrow such property without the express, prior permission of the owner having been obtained first.



A learner shall obey all instructions as may be directed to him/her by the Headmaster, or such other person to whom the Headmaster has delegated such authority and/or power for the conduct of all examinations and tests on the School premises. A learner shall not in any manner whatsoever cheat, or attempt to cheat, during any examination or tests or break any regulations specifically laid down for such examination or tests.



When a learner has voluntarily joined a sporting activity or an extramural or an extra-curricular society or activity organised by, or conducted under the auspices of, the School, he/she shall fulfil all his/her obligations and carry out all his/her responsibilities in respect of such activity to the best of his/her ability and may not absent himself/herself from such sport, society or activity without the consent of the Headmaster.



No learner shall, without the permission of the Headmaster use any of the School’s facilities, appliances, equipment or property other than during such times and for such purpose as may be specified from time to time by the Headmaster, unless he/she has first obtained the specific consent of the Headmaster.



A learner shall not be in possession of and/or make use of and/or partake of cigarettes, tobacco, alcoholic beverages or dependence producing drugs, either in the School premises or in a public place and whilst in School uniform or whilst in a representative capacity of the School at any function of whatever nature. A learner shall also not be under the influence of any of the aforementioned substances whilst at School, whilst on the School premises, whilst at any School function or whilst acting in a representative capacity of the School. It is the right of every educator, or the police or private security firm employed by the Governing Body to search the possessions or person of any learner. It is also the right of every educator or the police or private security firm to insist that a learner be taken for drug tests and that the results of the drug tests are made available to the school. With the signature of this the learner agrees with the searching, testing and the results made available as stipulated.



A learner shall not, without the conditional or unconditional consent of the Headmaster, drive or park any self-propelled vehicle on the school premises. The vehicle must be licensed and the learner must be in procession of a licence.



If, for any School function, outing or sporting event of whatever nature, official School transport has been arranged, no learner may be transported to or from such a function other than in the official School transport, unless the prior consent of the Headmaster or authorised person has been obtained. This can include parental transport or any other transport.



No learner shall hitch-hike, or in any manner attempt to obtain a lift, on a public road whilst wearing official School uniform, or any part thereof which would enable a member of the public to be able to identify such learner as a learner of the School.



No circular, notice, banner, poster or other written or graphic object may be distributed or in any manner placed on any of the School’s notice boards or property without the prior consent of the Headmaster and in accordance with any provisions imposed by him.



No learner shall at any time show disrespect to the national flag or any of the official symbols of the Republic of South Africa, or of the School where applicable.



Should a learner be found guilty of committing a criminal offence, his/her conviction of such offence shall be deemed to be a contravention of paragraph 2.1 of this Code of Conduct, unless the contrary is proved to the satisfaction of the Headmaster or the Governing Body and irrespective of whether same is also a contravention of any other paragraph of this Code of Conduct.



If a learner is convicted of a criminal offence in a court of law, it shall be regarded as a violation of this code of conduct (category 9) and will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for further action.



Notwithstanding the fact that a certain act or omission may not be a direct contravention of any of the paragraphs of this Code of Conduct, any act or omission which in the opinion of the Headmaster or the Governing Body constitutes disorderly or unacceptable behaviour by a learner, shall be deemed to be a contravention of paragraph 2.1 herein above.



A learner shall not take part in any obvious or inappropriate or offensive displays of physical affection whilst in School uniform, whilst at the School, whilst at any School sporting or other function and whilst acting in a representative capacity of the School at any locality whatsoever.



No cell phones, I-pods, radios, Walkman’s, MP3s, PSPs or any other electronic communication, games and/or music devices are allowed to be visible or in use on school premises during school hours, which include teaching time, movement of learners between classes and during breaks.



No “Tipp-ex” is allowed on the school premises. Tipp-ex = correcting fluid.



Learners may not eat or drink in any classes at school.



No teasing, insults, name calling or breaking down of character will be tolerated.



No engaging in scholastic dishonesty, which includes but is not limited to, cheating, falsifying documents, forgery, plagiarism (from the Internet or otherwise) or unauthorised collaboration with another person or learner in preparing written work, including using cell phones or other media to transmit information regarding tests or assignments or to obtain information to paste into assignments, will be allowed. If a learner is guilty of any scholastic dishonesty such a learner will receive 0% for that assessment task.



No gambling activities will be allowed on school premises.



No medication allowed on school premises except chronic or if prescribed by a medical practitioner.



No learners are allowed to walk down the road inside the school ground and may only cross the road at the designated pedestrian crossing.




The following are the specific rules intended in this Code of Conduct:



School dress code and general appearance

Wittedrift High School has the proud tradition of being an exceptional school. Certain guidelines have been laid down to ensure that this standard is maintained by the learners.


School uniform


Summer (terms 1 and 4) – Start first day of 1st and 4th terms



  • Grey skirt (no shorter than 10cm above the middle of the knee)
  • Grey trousers (standard length)
  • White short-sleeve, open neck shirt with school badge on pocket
  • No visible undergarments (only white/cream/beige)
  • White ankle socks
  • Regulation black school shoes ( T-bar, single strap or lace-ups)
  • School blazer (worn each Monday to assembly)
  • School grey jersey/ black forum jersey/ white prefect jersey
  • No scarf may be worn
  • Grade 12 jackets may be worn every day except on Mondays



  • Regulation grey trousers / shorts (standard length and to be worn without exposing underwear)
  • White short-sleeved, open-necked shirt with school badge on pocket
  • No visible T-shirt under school shirt
  • Regulation short/ long grey socks
  • Black belt with plain buckle, no branded belts or buckles
  • Regulation black lace-up shoes (no slip-ons, buckles etc.)
  • School blazer (worn each Monday to assembly)
  • School grey jersey/ black forum jersey / white prefect jersey
  • No scarf may be worn
  • Grade 12 jackets may be worn except Mondays
  • Jackets for sporting achievements (school, provincial and national) may be worn only on Fridays


Winter (terms 2 and 3) – Starts first day of 2nd Term




  • Regulation length grey skirt
  • Grey trousers
  • Grey school socks
  • Black tights (Only grade 12 girls)
  • White long–sleeved buttoned shirt
  • Tie: school/academic/honours/leadership
  • Jersey: school grey/prefect white
  • School blazer (every day)
  • Regulation school scarf or plain scarf – only with blazer and tie
  • Plain black caps (“beanies”) may not be worn on school property
  • Grade 12 jackets may be worn every day except on Mondays
  • Jackets for sporting achievement (school/provincial and national) may be worn on Fridays




  • Regulation length grey trousers
  • Grey school socks
  • Black belt with plain buckle
  • White long sleeved, buttoned shirt
  • Tie: school/ academic / honours / leadership
  • Jersey: school grey/ forum black/ prefect white
  • School blazer (everyday)
  • Regulation school scarf (only with blazer and tie)
  • Plain black caps (’beanies’) may not be worn on school property.
  • Grade 12 jackets may be worn every day except on Mondays
  • Jackets for sporting achievements ( school, provincial and national) may be worn only on Friday


General appearance (all four terms)



  • Neatness is paramount when judging whether hair styles meet requirements, as neat and tidy hair creates a good impression of the learners of the school
  • Shaving of hair will be allowed for cultural and religious reasons only. A Written request from the parents/guardian is to be handed in at the school.
  • Hair should not make it impossible for other learners to see either the board or the teacher.
  • Teasing of hair is not acceptable.
  • All styles should be conservative, neat and in keeping with school uniform. No eccentric/fashionable styles will be allowed.
  • Parents may apply to the SGB by letter to allow specific hairstyles for traditional reasons over a period of time (e.g. funerals).

Same rules apply for all grades





·       Hair

If hair is long enough to be tied back, it must be tied back neatly with a black or white elastic, ribbon or sweatband. Hair may not touch the collar. All hair must be off the face and not be in the eyes. Hair buns must be tight with no loose hair.

High ponytails and high buns are allowed but may not be on top of the head or further forward than the crown of the head.

Braiding van knotting and hair extensions should be in such a manner that hair does not fall in the face.

The overall colour and appearance of hair must be natural. No dyeing, bleaching, highlighting, colouring, colour washing, colour rinsing. No change in hair colour is allowed.

Cornrows must be neatly plaited.

Braiding and extensions should be the same colour as the natural hair colour. Braids shorter than the collar must be kept out of the face. Longer braids must be tied back.

All hair elastics and ribbons must be black or white. Alice bands or slides must be black or white. No hair ornaments of any kind are permitted. No beads or decorations, shiny clips or shiny hair accessories may be worn in the hair. No crocodile, banana or other fancy clips are allowed.

No shaving of hair is allowed.

Bantu knots may be worn as a hairstyle.

Dreadlocks are not allowed.


·       Earrings:

·         Gold/Silver ‘studs/ plain gold/Silver Sleepers

·         ONE earring per ear in the earlobe


·       Make-up:

NO make-up is allowed


·       Wristwatch

·       Medic alert bracelet/chain together with doctor’s certificate

·       NO other chains/bracelets/rings

·       NO visible tattoos

·       NO chin, tongue or any other visible form of body piercing.

·       Nails must be short, no coloured nail polish is allowed.

·       NO nose or tongue rings allowed.



  • Neatness is paramount when judging whether hair styles meet requirements, as neat and tidy hair creates a good impression of the learners of the school
  • Shaving of hair will be allowed for cultural and religious reasons only. A written request from the parents/guardian is to be handed in at the school.
  • Hair should not make it impossible for other learners to see either the board or the teacher.
  • Teasing of hair is not acceptable.
  • All styles should be conservative, neat and in keeping with school uniform. No eccentric/fashionable styles will be allowed.
  • Parents may apply to the SGB by letter to allow specific hairstyles for traditional reasons over a period of time (e.g. funerals).
  • Same rules apply for all grades.


Hair must be short and neatly cut. Hair must be brushed or combed every day. Hair is not allowed to touch the ears. Sideburns are not allowed to be longer than the middle of the ear.

Hair must be short and neatly cut. Hair must be brushed or combed every day. Hair is not allowed to touch the ears. Sideburns are not allowed to be longer than the middle of the ear.

No man buns or ponytails are allowed. No hair accessories.

No patterns or steps and hair must gradually blend in.

The overall appearance of hair must be natural.



S-curls are allowed on top of the head (to allow for curls), short length.

Fringe must be above the eyebrows at all times and must not hinder sight.

Hair should be above the shirt collar, cut neatly into the nape of the neck. Hair should be neat and short around the ears and out of the face. Hair must not be longer/higher than 5cm.

Dreadlocks are not allowed.

Ÿ  Clean shaven every morning

Ÿ  Wristwatch

Ÿ  Medic alert bracelet / chain together with doctor’s certificate

Ÿ  NO other chains / bracelets / rings / ear rings

Ÿ  NO chin / tongue or any other visible forms of body piercing.

Ÿ  No visible tattoos



·       Respectable and neat. If there is any contention the matter will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.



School Grounds:



Learners may not enter the classrooms, except for prescribed classes at prescribed times, without the Headmaster’s or relevant educators permission having been obtained.



Learners may not receive any visitors in the school buildings, on the School grounds or at the School gates without prior permission of the Headmaster having been obtained.



All self-propelled vehicles may only be parked on the School grounds if permission is granted by the Headmaster.



All rubbish must be placed in the bins provided for that purpose.



Learners may not loiter or play in the areas designated for the parking of any vehicles, or at the hostel or hostel ground, with the exception of lunch.



Unless the prior permission of the Headmaster or authorized person is first obtained, no sports of other bags or other bags shall be left in the offices or staff room for safekeeping.



Learners may not loiter, play, move around or sit in the top storey of the school building during breaks.



No hands allowed in pockets.



No smoking is allowed in any public school.



Correct sport uniform, as prescribed by the school, must be worn.



The chewing of gum is strictly prohibited.



Silence must be kept during announcement and during assembly.



Changing of classes:



At all time when the learners assemble, they are to do so in an orderly fashion.



When changing classes, the learners must move in single line and take the shortest possible route on the same level between the classrooms attended.



During the changing of classes, learners must move to the top level using the stairs closest to the Computer Applications Technology class. Learners must use the steps closest to the office to move to the lower level classrooms.



When moving in the corridors or staircases, learners must keep tot the left at all times to avoid congestion of these areas.



During lessons the learners shall stay in their allocated and relevant classrooms, or other areas of the School where they are obliged to be, until the bell rings.






Only schoolbags which are rigid enough and of such a design as not to damage the books shall be allowed.



Learners may not write or draw on the outside of their schoolbags or sports bags, other than for the purpose of placing only their own names thereon, in normal writing, and for the specific purpose of identification.







The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to, inter alia protect the interest of each learner and member of the School staff; to make the learners proud of their school and maintain a good reputation for the School with the members of the general public and to assure the Headmaster, his staff and Governing Body are placed in a position to enforce the required discipline and good governance of the School in accordance with this Code of Conduct and applicable legislation in the best interest of the School and all those who attend or work at the school.



In laying down these general guidelines for disciplinary matters, the Governing Body does not lose sight of the fact that each case must be treated on its own merit and that the purpose of any punishment, imposed by the Headmaster, Head of Discipline or the Governing body, is to bring about change in a learner’s unacceptable behaviour and to bring him/her in line with generally accepted behaviour which is also in accordance with the Code of Conduct.



In all cases, before any form of punishment of whatever nature is handed out by the Headmaster, Head of Discipline or the Governing body, such will only take place after following a fair process safeguarding the interest of the learner and any other party affected thereby. The precise nature of the process to be followed for each separate occasion will be left to the discretion of the Headmaster, Head of Discipline or the Governing Body, but shall ensure that the learner can test the truth of any statement made by any accuser and that the learner will be given a full opportunity to relate his/her version of the facts and wrongdoing of which he/she stands accused.



In the case of a transgression of a less serious nature, it will be dealt with in the same manner by the relevant member of the School staff who will impose the appropriate punishment. Should this transgression by a learner recur same will be as gross disobedience or defiance and referred to the Head of Discipline/Deputy Headmaster/Headmaster for the necessary attention.



In the case of a transgression of a more serious nature, the misconduct will be reported directly to the Headmaster or Deputy Headmaster who will, depending on the nature and severity of the transgression, either deal will the matter himself/herself or refer same to the Disciplinary Committee and/or Governing Body to be dealt with.



The School shall under no circumstances administer corporal punishment to an offending learner and the maximum punishment that the Disciplinary Committee or Governing Body may order shall be a learner’s suspension from School for a period not exceeding one (1) week. Where the Governing Body deems that an offence warrants expulsion, the Governing Body shall act in term of Section 9(2) of The South African Schools Act No.84 of 1996 and refer the matter, after the holding of a fair hearing, to the Head of Department.



At any disciplinary enquiry, regardless of whether it is conducted by the Headmaster, Head of Discipline or the Governing Body, the learner whose behaviour is being investigated shall have the right to be represented by one his parents or his legal guardian or a member of the duly elected Forum of the School. The learner has a right to have witnesses.



Any learner, his parent or legal guardian may appeal against the Head of Department’s decision to expel such learner to the member of the Executive Council.



Detention for misdemeanours will take place on Mondays from 14:30-15:30. Learners are responsible for their own transport arrangements.







·       Homework/tasks/assignments/not done

·       Textbook not available

·       Textbook not covered

·       Doing other work in class

·       Talking in class

·       Not handing in book/work

·       Reading another book/magazine in class

·       Late for class

·       No absenteeism note/doctor certificate

·       Incorrect School Uniform

·       Incorrect appearance



·       Doing no work at all in/not working in class

·       Repeatedly not listening to instructions

·       Wandering around in class

·       Going to the tuck shop in class time

·       Calling out repeatedly

·       Making sounds/rude noises in class

·       Throwing items around in class

·       Chewing/eating in class

·       “Backchat”

·       Leaving class without permission

·       Hitchhiking in school uniform



·       Not being in class after the educator’s arrival

·       Littering (on school grounds/in passages/in class)

·       Disruptive behaviour/disrupting or disturbing the class/inappropriate behaviour

·       In possession of tobacco



Reported to Grade Head

·       Attitude (insolence/rudeness)

·       Disruptive behaviour

·       Refusal to sign a demerit slip (in addition to demerits already given)



Reported to Grade Head

·       Repetition of Category 1-4 misdemeanours

·       Verbal dishonesty (lies)

·       Abusive and insolent behaviour towards teachers/prefect/forum members/administrative staff

·       Fighting on sports field

·       Swearing in class

·       Physical affection which is inappropriate and offensive

·       Sleeping/misbehaving during detention



Reported to Grade Head

Parents informed telephonically or by letter

·       Absent from class/detention without permission

·       Bullying

·       Smoking at school/in school uniform/on school property/at any school function

·       Forging of school notes from parents or any other document

·       Copying information from other learner’s tasks, projects, assignment or other written works

·       Plagiarism

·       Instigation and provocation to assault



Reported to Grade Head / Deputy Head/Head

Parents informed telephonically or by letter

·       Leaving school premises without required permission

·       Not attending school with a valid reason (bunking)



Reported to Grade Head/Deputy Head/Head

Parents informed telephonically or by letter

Disciplinary hearing with SGB

·       Repetition of level 5-7 misdemeanours

·       Vandalism

·       Use of alcohol on school premises/under influence of alcohol on school premises at school functions/in school uniform

·       Assault: physical, verbal, psychological, sexual

·       Dishonesty during an exam, tests and control tests

·       Any learner who is involved in creating disharmony and is involved, directly by creating and/or posting, or indirectly by aiding in the distribution of offensive and/or abusive material, photos, ideas and messages regarding educators, non-educators, learners and the school that is racist, defamatory, sexist or pornographic or offensive.



Reported to Grade Head/Deputy Head/Head

Parents informed telephonically or by letter

Disciplinary hearing by SGB

·       Repetition of level 7 and 8 misdemeanours

·       Any criminal offence

·       Incidents of extreme racism/gangsterism on school premises/school function

·       Extreme assault: physical, verbal, psychological or sexual.

·       Use of/possession of/under influence/and selling of drugs/medication on school premises

·       Use/possession of any form of weapons or replica of weapons, or an object used as a weapon, that may cause perceived danger to another person.


Demerits will accumulate during the course of the year. The learner begins with a zero total of demerits each year.

The following are the punishments (linked to demerit totals):

·       After the learner has accumulated 60 demerits he/she will have to attend detention on a Monday afternoon for ONE hour. Thereafter a learner will attend further detentions on a Monday afternoon for 1 hour after the accumulation of 90, 120, 150, 180 etc. demerits, in other words the accumulation of every 30 demerits after the initial accumulation of the first 60 demerits

·       When the learner has a total of 90 demerits, the parents will be contacted.  The learner, together with parents, will then have to appear in front of the learner’s grade head and relevant educators to duscuss the sitation.

·       With a total of 120 demerits the leaner will then have a meeting with the School Based Support Team.  The parents must attend the meeting.  The aim will be to emphasize the seriousness of the situation.  An intervention strategy will be discussed and implemented to identify and rectify the misconduct.

·       When the learner has a total of 150 demerits, he/she, together with parents will have a meeting with the School Based Support Team.  Furthere discussions of the intervention strategy and the compliance by the learner will be discussed.

·       When a learner has a total of 200 demerits and/or repeated misconduct and intervention strategies have been implemented by the School Based Support Team, the learner and parents will have to attend a disciplinary hearing with the Disciplinary Committee of the SGB and can be suspended for a period not exceeding 7 school days.  At this stage the SBST will contact the District Office of the Department of Education to support and intervene with the repeated misconduct. 

·       When a learner has not shown any improvement of the repeated misconduct and extensive intervention strategies have been implemented by the School Based Support Team and Education Department, the learner and parents will have to attend a disciplinary hearing with the Disciplinary Committee of the SGB who could make a recommendation to the WCED for the learner to be expelled from the school..







Any learner who has been suspended for a maximum of 7 days can be instructed to work with the maintenance staff under the supervision of the factotum or a member of staff for a maximum period of 7 days after school or result in the learner working with the factotum or member of staff for 2 hours after school for a maximum period of 7 days. Such a decision will be made by the Disciplinary Committee.



Pending a decision as to whether a learner is to be expelled from the school by the Head of the Western Cape Education Department. The Governing Body can suspend the learner till the date of his/her hearing.



Learners who disrupt classes will not be given special examination privileges.



Learners who misbehave can also be banned from school social, cultural and sport activities.



Learners who are found in possession of notes or cell phones during examinations or tests, will be treated according to the Grade 12 WCED procedures.



All WCED examination rules for Grade 12 apply to all other grades at Wittedrift High School.



A learner whose cell phone, I-pod, radio, Walkman, MP3, PSP or any electronic communication, games and/or music devices, whether switched on or off, is visible or use on school premises during school hours, which include teaching time, movement of learners between classes and during breaks, will have his/her device confiscated for a period of 7 school days which will include weekends, where after the device may be collected at the office, paying a fine of R100. Learners may make use of the general telephone in case of emergencies. Any learner whose cellphone is confiscated, must ensure that his/her SIM card, memory card and battery is also handed in.



Jewellery and non-conforming clothing worn to school will be confiscated for the duration of the school term. Jewellery and non-conforming clothing will be confiscated only by an educator, and not by a prefect. This school will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to confiscated clothing or jewellery.



The atmosphere in which a hearing takes place will be firm but gentle. In the case of challenging learners and assertive stance will be taken. It is imperative that parents and learners understand the process so that it does not generate anger towards the school, but that a sense of fairness will prevail.

    Update ** 2024**  

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